What is RSH E-Sport Company and the Hamrock™ product family?
I’m Ron Hämäläinen, the guy behind RSH E-sport Company. I’m a little over 40 years old and I live in Hämeenlinna, Finland with my partner and our 2 dogs. I was born in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and spent the first 30 years of my life there. Work brought me to the area where I am living today. I have worked in logistics for my whole career, the last 15 years in managerial positions. My hobbies include fishing, gym, car racing and simulator racing.
RSH E-sport Company provides a constantly expanding selection of products for racing simulation and other e-sports. We are focused on the higher end of the product spectrum. The idea for the Hamrock rigs came from the desire to provide a product that would satisfy the needs of even the most passionate simulation racers anywhere in the world. The concept also allows for seamless updating and constant product development. It is truly a product from a racer to racers and I’m proud to personally back any claims I state, 100 %, every single time. You can put our rigs up against anything you find on the market today. The most important design aspects have been sufficient stability and unmatched adjustability.
After years and years of thought work, drawing and conceptualizing the opportunity presented itself. And believe me, I didn’t hesitate for a single second! And today, I could not be more proud to offer you, fellow simulation enthusiast, the experience that only a top-of-the-line racing rig can deliver.
Digital motorsport, e-sport, e-racing, virtual racing…
The terminology around our industry has yet to reach a universal consensus. But along the years it has become clear that many representatives of the general public can’t stop wondering the following. Kids aside, why on earth do grown men (and more and more women) sit in front of the computer for 10 hours a week playing kids’ games? And why do these people spend a fortune on gaming gear? It is not unheard of someone to have spent 10 000 € on simulation racing gear.
The more racers have invested in their equipment the more questions people ask. Couldn’t you get an actual race car for that money? I have heard a lot of these questions in the past few years. But put it this way: What’s the point of hitting a small white ball with a club and then walking for miles on grass and sand following that ball for half a day? Is there actually a hobby that makes sense? That’s for every individual to determine for themselves. I’m not going to compare hobbies based on how physically demanding they may be or try to rank them in any particular order.
What I will say, however, is that no matter what your hobby or passion may be, it can bring content in your life as well as improve your mental and physical well being. If that means simulation racing for some, then great! Hobbies aside, virtual racing also provides a livelihood for a small group of people. Real life racers and virtual racers also mix and match more and more all the time and this can open many career doors in both directions. For the enthusiast racing sessions bring excitement and can spark a sense of accomplishment. There is also a strong sense of community in virtual racing, at least there is in the Finnish racing circles. This can help build relationships and expand your social network and in some cases friendships for life. I will be adding more articles to the blog section in the near future so stay tuned if virtual racing is your forte!